/* GalleryView - jQuery Content Gallery Plugin Author: Jack Anderson Version: 3.0 DEVELOPMENT See README.txt for instructions on how to markup your HTML */ // Make sure Object.create is available in the browser (for our prototypal inheritance) // Courtesy of Douglas Crockford if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') { Object.create = function (o) { function F() { } F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; } (function ($) { // custom image object var gvImage = function (img) { this.src = { panel: img.attr('src'), frame: img.data('frame') || img.attr('src') }; this.scale = { panel: null, frame: null }; this.height = 0; this.width = 0; this.attrs = { title: img.attr('title') || img.attr('alt'), description: img.data('description') }; this.href = img.data('href'); // Important for clickable links this.dom_obj = null; return this; }, // utility function wrapper gv = { getInt: function (i) { i = parseInt(i, 10); return isNaN(i) ? 0 : i; }, innerWidth: function (elem) { return this.getInt(elem.css('width')) || 0; }, outerWidth: function (elem) { return this.innerWidth(elem) + this.extraWidth(elem); }, extraWidth: function (elem) { return this.getInt(elem.css('paddingLeft')) + this.getInt(elem.css('paddingRight')) + this.getInt(elem.css('borderLeftWidth')) + this.getInt(elem.css('borderRightWidth')); }, innerHeight: function (elem) { return this.getInt(elem.css('height')) || 0; }, outerHeight: function (elem) { return this.innerHeight(elem) + this.extraHeight(elem); }, extraHeight: function (elem) { return this.getInt(elem.css('paddingTop')) + this.getInt(elem.css('paddingBottom')) + this.getInt(elem.css('borderTopWidth')) + this.getInt(elem.css('borderBottomWidth')); } }, /* GalleryView - Object The main gallery class */ GalleryView = { // array of dom elements elems: [ '.gv_galleryWrap', '.gv_gallery', '.gv_panelWrap', '.gv_panel', 'img.gv_image', '.gv_infobar', '.gv_filmstripWrap', '.gv_filmstrip', '.gv_frame', '.gv_thumbnail', '.gv_caption', 'img.gv_thumb', '.gv_navWrap', '.gv_navNext', '.gv_navPrev', '.gv_navPlay', '.gv_panelNavNext', '.gv_panelNavPrev', '.gv_overlay', '.gv_showOverlay', '.gv_imageStore' ], // create a jQuery element and apply attributes createElem: function (attrs, elem) { elem = document.createElement(elem); var $elem = $(elem); return $elem.attr(attrs); }, // get the position of an element with respect // to the gallery wrapper getPos: function (el) { var self = this, dom = this.dom, el = el[0], el_id = el.id, left = 0, top = 0, gPos, gLeft, gTop; if (!el) { return { top: 0, left: 0 }; } if (el.offsetParent) { do { left += el.offsetLeft; top += el.offsetTop; } while (el = el.offsetParent); } //If we want the position of the gallery itself, return it if (el_id === self.id) { return { left: left, top: top }; } //Otherwise, get position of element relative to gallery else { gPos = self.getPos(dom.galleryWrap); gLeft = gPos.left; gTop = gPos.top; return { left: left - gLeft, top: top - gTop }; } }, // determine if mouse is within the boundary of the gallery wrapper mouseIsOverGallery: function (x, y) { var self = this, dom = this.dom, pos = this.getPos(dom.gv_galleryWrap), top = pos.top, left = pos.left; return x > left && x < left + gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_galleryWrap) && y > top && y < top + gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_galleryWrap); }, // determine if mouse is within the boundary of the panel mouseIsOverPanel: function (x, y) { var self = this, dom = this.dom, pos = this.getPos(dom.gv_panelWrap), gPos = this.getPos(dom.gv_galleryWrap), top = pos.top + gPos.top, left = pos.left + gPos.left; return x > left && x < left + gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panelWrap) && y > top && y < top + gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelWrap); }, // create gvImage objects for each image in gallery storeImages: function () { var self = this; this.sourceImgs = $('li>img', this.$el); this.numImages = this.sourceImgs.length; this.gvImages = []; this.sourceImgs.each(function (i, img) { self.gvImages[i] = new gvImage($(img)); }); }, setDimensions: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom, widths = { prev: gv.innerWidth(dom.gv_navPrev), play: gv.innerWidth(dom.gv_navPlay), next: gv.innerWidth(dom.gv_navNext), filmstrip: this.opts.frame_width, fsMax: 0, fsFull: 0 }, heights = { prev: gv.innerHeight(dom.gv_navPrev), play: gv.innerHeight(dom.gv_navPlay), next: gv.innerHeight(dom.gv_navNext), filmstrip: this.opts.frame_height + (this.opts.show_captions ? gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_caption) : 0), fsMax: 0, fsFull: 0 }, panels = []; // nav if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { dom.gv_navWrap.css({ width: widths.prev + widths.play + widths.next, height: Math.max(heights.prev, heights.play, heights.next) }); } else { if (this.opts.filmstrip_style === 'scroll' && this.opts.frame_width < (widths.prev + widths.play + widths.next)) { dom.gv_navWrap.css({ width: Math.max(widths.prev, widths.play, widths.next), height: heights.prev + heights.play + heights.next }); } else { dom.gv_navWrap.css({ width: widths.prev + widths.play + widths.next, height: Math.max(heights.prev, heights.play, heights.next) }); } } if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'vertical' && widths.filmstrip < (widths.prev + widths.play + widths.next)) { dom.gv_navWrap.css({ width: Math.max(widths.prev, widths.play, widths.next), height: heights.prev + heights.play + heights.next }); } else { dom.gv_navWrap.css({ width: widths.prev + widths.play + widths.next, height: Math.max(heights.prev, heights.play, heights.next) }); } // panels dom.gv_panel.css({ width: this.opts.panel_width, height: this.opts.panel_height }); dom.gv_panelWrap.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panel), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panel) }); dom.gv_overlay.css({ width: this.opts.panel_width }); $.each(this.gvImages, function (i, img) { dom.gv_panelWrap.append(dom.gv_panel.clone(true)); }); dom.gv_panels = dom.gv_panelWrap.find('.gv_panel'); dom.gv_panels.remove(); // filmstrip dom.gv_thumbnail.css({ width: this.opts.frame_width, height: this.opts.frame_height }); dom.gv_frame.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_thumbnail), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_thumbnail) + (this.opts.show_captions ? gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_caption) : 0), marginRight: this.opts.frame_gap, marginBottom: this.opts.frame_gap }); if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { this.filmstripSize = Math.floor((gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panelWrap) - gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_navWrap)) / (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap)); widths.fsMax = this.filmstripSize * (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap); widths.fsFull = this.gvImages.length * (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap); widths.filmstrip = Math.min(widths.fsMax, widths.fsFull); if (this.opts.filmstrip_style !== 'scroll') { heights.filmstrip = (Math.ceil(this.gvImages.length / this.filmstripSize) * (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap)) - this.opts.frame_gap; } } else { this.filmstripSize = Math.floor((gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelWrap) - gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_navWrap)) / (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap)); heights.fsMax = this.filmstripSize * (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap); heights.fsFull = this.gvImages.length * (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap); heights.filmstrip = Math.min(heights.fsMax, heights.fsFull); if (this.opts.filmstrip_style !== 'scroll') { widths.filmstrip = (Math.ceil(this.gvImages.length / this.filmstripSize) * (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap)) - this.opts.frame_gap; } } dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css({ width: widths.filmstrip, height: heights.filmstrip }); // gallery if (this.opts.show_filmstrip) { if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { dom.gv_gallery.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panelWrap), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelWrap) + this.opts.frame_gap + (this.opts.show_filmstrip ? Math.max(gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_filmstripWrap), gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_navWrap)) : gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_filmstripWrap)) }); } else { dom.gv_gallery.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panelWrap) + this.opts.frame_gap + (this.opts.show_filmstrip ? Math.max(gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_filmstripWrap), gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_navWrap)) : gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_filmstripWrap)), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelWrap) }); } } else { dom.gv_gallery.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panelWrap), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelWrap) }); } dom.gv_galleryWrap.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_gallery), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_gallery), padding: this.opts.frame_gap }); }, setPositions: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom, navVert = 0, fsVert = 0, navHorz = 0, fsHorz = 0, vert, horz; // determine vertical or horizontal offset // if negative, apply to filmstrip, otherwise apply to navbar if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { vert = Math.round((gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_filmstripWrap) - gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_navWrap)) / 2); if (vert < 0) { fsVert = -1 * vert; } else { navVert = vert; } } else { horz = Math.round((gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_filmstripWrap) - gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_navWrap)) / 2); if (horz < 0) { fsHorz = -1 * horz; } else { navHorz = horz; } } // for horizontal filmstrips w/o navigation, center the filmstrip under the panel if (!this.opts.show_filmstrip_nav && this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { fsHorz = Math.floor((gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panelWrap) - gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_filmstripWrap)) / 2); } dom.gv_panelNavNext.css({ top: (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panel) - gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelNavNext)) / 2, right: 10 }); dom.gv_panelNavPrev.css({ top: (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panel) - gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_panelNavPrev)) / 2, left: 10 }); // pin elements to gallery corners according to filmstrip position switch (this.opts.filmstrip_position) { case 'top': dom.gv_navWrap.css({ top: navVert, right: navHorz }); dom.gv_panelWrap.css({ bottom: 0, left: 0 }); dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css({ top: fsVert, left: fsHorz }); break; case 'right': dom.gv_navWrap.css({ bottom: navVert, right: navHorz }); dom.gv_panelWrap.css({ top: 0, left: 0 }); dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css({ top: fsVert, right: fsHorz }); break; case 'left': dom.gv_navWrap.css({ bottom: navVert, left: navHorz }); dom.gv_panelWrap.css({ top: 0, right: 0 }); dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css({ top: fsVert, left: fsHorz }); break; default: dom.gv_navWrap.css({ bottom: navVert, right: navHorz }); dom.gv_panelWrap.css({ top: 0, left: 0 }); dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css({ bottom: fsVert, left: fsHorz }); break; } if (this.opts.overlay_position === 'top') { dom.gv_overlay.css({ top: 0, left: -99999 }); dom.gv_showOverlay.css({ top: 0, left: 0 }); } else { dom.gv_overlay.css({ bottom: 0, left: -99999 }); dom.gv_showOverlay.css({ bottom: 0, left: 0 }); } if (!this.opts.show_filmstrip_nav) { dom.gv_navWrap.remove(); } }, buildFilmstrip: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom, framesLength = this.gvImages.length * ((this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal' ? this.opts.frame_width : this.opts.frame_height) + this.opts.frame_gap); dom.gv_frame.append(dom.gv_thumbnail); if (this.opts.show_captions) { dom.gv_frame.append(dom.gv_caption); } dom.gv_thumbnail.css('opacity', this.opts.frame_opacity); dom.gv_thumbnail.bind({ mouseover: function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('current')) { $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250); } }, mouseout: function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('current')) { $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: self.opts.frame_opacity }, 250); } } }); // Drop a clone of the frame element into the filmstrip for each source image $.each(this.gvImages, function (i, img) { dom.gv_frame.clone(true).prependTo(dom.gv_filmstrip); }); dom.gv_filmstrip.css({ width: gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame), height: gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) }); // If we are scrolling the filmstrip, and we can't show all frames at once, // make two additional copies of each frame if (this.opts.filmstrip_style === 'scroll') { if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { if (framesLength > gv.innerWidth(dom.gv_filmstripWrap)) { dom.gv_filmstrip.find('.gv_frame').clone(true).appendTo(dom.gv_filmstrip).clone(true).appendTo(dom.gv_filmstrip); dom.gv_filmstrip.css('width', framesLength * 3); this.scrolling = true; } else { dom.gv_filmstrip.css('width', framesLength); } } else { if (framesLength > gv.innerHeight(dom.gv_filmstripWrap)) { dom.gv_filmstrip.find('.gv_frame').clone(true).appendTo(dom.gv_filmstrip).clone(true).appendTo(dom.gv_filmstrip); dom.gv_filmstrip.css('height', framesLength * 3); this.scrolling = true; } else { dom.gv_filmstrip.css('height', framesLength); } } } else { dom.gv_filmstrip.css({ width: parseInt(dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css('width'), 10) + this.opts.frame_gap, height: parseInt(dom.gv_filmstripWrap.css('height'), 10) + this.opts.frame_gap }); } dom.gv_frames = dom.gv_filmstrip.find('.gv_frame'); $.each(dom.gv_frames, function (i, frame) { $(frame).data('frameIndex', i); }); dom.gv_thumbnails = dom.gv_filmstrip.find('div.gv_thumbnail'); }, buildGallery: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; this.setDimensions(); this.setPositions(); if (this.opts.show_filmstrip) { this.buildFilmstrip(); } }, showInfoBar: function () { if (!this.opts.show_infobar) { return; } var self = this, dom = this.dom; dom.gv_infobar.stop().stopTime('hideInfoBar_' + self.id).html((this.iterator + 1) + ' of ' + this.numImages).show().css('opacity', this.opts.infobar_opacity); dom.gv_infobar.oneTime(2000 + this.opts.transition_speed, 'hideInfoBar_' + self.id, function () { dom.gv_infobar.fadeOut(1000); }); }, initImages: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; $.each(this.gvImages, function (i, gvImage) { var img = $(''); img.css('visibility', 'hidden').data('index', i); img.bind('load.galleryview', function () { var _img = $(this), index = _img.data('index'), width = this.width, height = this.height, parent = dom[(_img.data('parent')).type].eq((_img.data('parent')).index), widthFactor = gv.innerWidth(parent) / width, heightFactor = gv.innerHeight(parent) / height, parentType = parent.hasClass('gv_panel') ? 'panel' : 'frame', heightOffset = 0, widthOffset = 0; gvImage.scale[parentType] = self.opts[parentType + '_scale'] === 'fit' ? Math.min(widthFactor, heightFactor) : Math.max(widthFactor, heightFactor); widthOffset = Math.round((gv.innerWidth(parent) - (width * gvImage.scale[parentType])) / 2); heightOffset = Math.round((gv.innerHeight(parent) - (height * gvImage.scale[parentType])) / 2); _img.css({ width: width * gvImage.scale[parentType], height: height * gvImage.scale[parentType], top: heightOffset, left: widthOffset }); _img.hide().css('visibility', 'visible'); _img.remove().appendTo(parent); if (parentType === 'frame') { _img.fadeIn(); parent.parent().removeClass('gv_frame-loading'); parent.parent().find('.gv_caption').html(gvImage.attrs.title); } else if (index === self.opts.start_frame - 1) { parent.prependTo(dom.gv_panelWrap); parent.removeClass('gv_panel-loading'); _img.fadeIn(); self.showInfoBar(); } else { parent.removeClass('gv_panel-loading'); _img.show(); } }); // store eventual image container as data property // append to temporary storage element and set src if (self.opts.show_panels) { img.clone(true) .data('parent', { type: 'gv_panels', index: i }) .appendTo(dom.gv_imageStore) .attr('src', gvImage.src.panel); } if (self.opts.show_filmstrip) { img.clone(true) .data('parent', { type: 'gv_thumbnails', index: i }) .appendTo(dom.gv_imageStore) .attr('src', gvImage.src.frame); if (dom.gv_frames.length > dom.gv_panels.length) { img.clone(true) .data('parent', { type: 'gv_thumbnails', index: i + self.numImages }) .appendTo(dom.gv_imageStore) .attr('src', gvImage.src.frame); img.clone(true) .data('parent', { type: 'gv_thumbnails', index: i + self.numImages + self.numImages }) .appendTo(dom.gv_imageStore) .attr('src', gvImage.src.frame); } } }); }, showNext: function () { this.navAction = 'next'; if (this.playing && this.opts.play_random_order) { var nextImage = this.frameIterator; while (nextImage == this.frameIterator) { nextImage = Math.floor(Math.random()*(this.numImages + 1)); } this.showItem(nextImage); } else { this.showItem(this.frameIterator + 1); } }, showPrev: function () { this.navAction = 'prev'; this.showItem(this.frameIterator - 1); }, showItem: function (i) { if (isNaN(i)) { return; } if (!this.opts.show_filmstrip) { i = i % this.numImages; } var self = this, dom = this.dom, frame_i = i, newPanelStart, oldPanelEnd, oldIterator, panel, playing = false; // don't go out of bounds i = self.getTrueImageIndex(i); panel = dom.gv_panels.eq(i); playing = this.playing; if (playing) { this.stopSlideshow(false); } this.unbindActions(); dom.gv_gallery.oneTime(this.opts.transition_speed, 'bindActions_' + self.id, function () { if (playing) { self.startSlideshow(false); } self.bindActions(); }); switch (this.opts.panel_animation) { case 'crossfade': dom.gv_panels.eq(this.iterator).fadeOut(this.opts.transition_speed, function () { $(this).remove(); }); panel.hide().prependTo(dom.gv_panelWrap).fadeIn(this.opts.transition_speed); break; case 'fade': dom.gv_panels.eq(this.iterator).remove(); panel.hide().prependTo(dom.gv_panelWrap).fadeIn(this.opts.transition_speed); break; case 'slide': if (this.navAction === 'next' || (this.navAction === 'frame' && frame_i > this.iterator)) { newPanelStart = gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panel); oldPanelEnd = -1 * gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panel); } else { newPanelStart = -1 * gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panel); oldPanelEnd = gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_panel); } panel.css({ left: newPanelStart }).appendTo(dom.gv_panelWrap).animate( { left: 0 }, { duration: this.opts.transition_speed, easing: this.opts.easing } ); dom.gv_panels.eq(this.iterator).animate( { left: oldPanelEnd }, { duration: this.opts.transition_speed, easing: this.opts.easing, complete: function () { $(this).remove(); } } ); break; default: dom.gv_panels.eq(this.iterator).remove(); panel.prependTo(dom.gv_panelWrap); break; } this.updateOverlay(i); this.updateClickable(i); this.iterator = i; this.updateFilmstrip(frame_i); this.showInfoBar(); }, // given an index i, it will adjust i to an appropriate // index that is within the bounds of the images array // pulled out of showItem so it could be re-used for // other methods and events getTrueImageIndex: function (i) { if (i >= this.numImages) { i = i % this.numImages; } else if (i < 0) { i = this.numImages - 1; if (dom.gv_frames != undefined) { frame_i = dom.gv_frames.length - 1; } else { frame_i = dom.gv_panels.length - 1; } } return i; }, updateOverlay: function (i) { var self = this, dom = this.dom; var cursorStyle = ''; if (this.opts.clickable == 'overlay' || this.opts.clickable == 'all') { cursorStyle = ' class="cursor_pointer"'; } var overlayHtml = '' + self.gvImages[i].attrs.title + '

' + self.gvImages[i].attrs.description + '

'; if (this.overlayVisible) { this.hideOverlay(null, function () { dom.gv_overlay.html(overlayHtml); self.showOverlay(); }); } else { dom.gv_overlay.html(overlayHtml); dom.gv_overlay.css(this.opts.overlay_position, -1 * dom.gv_overlay.outerHeight()); } if (this.opts.clickable == 'overlay' || this.opts.clickable == 'all') { dom.gv_panelWrap.undelegate('.gv_overlay h4', 'click.galleryview'); dom.gv_panelWrap.delegate('.gv_overlay h4', 'click.galleryview', this.doClick(self.gvImages[i].href)); } }, hideOverlay: function (s, callback) { var self = this, dom = this.dom, endOverlay = {}, endButton = {}, speed = s || self.opts.transition_speed / 2; callback = callback || function () { }; endOverlay[this.opts.overlay_position] = -1 * dom.gv_overlay.outerHeight(); endButton[this.opts.overlay_position] = 0; dom.gv_overlay.animate(endOverlay, { duration: speed, easing: 'swing', complete: callback }); dom.gv_showOverlay.animate(endButton, { duration: speed, easing: 'swing' }); this.overlayVisible = false; }, showOverlay: function (s) { var self = this, dom = this.dom, startOverlay = {}, endOverlay = {}, endButton = {}, speed = s || self.opts.transition_speed / 2; startOverlay[this.opts.overlay_position] = -1 * dom.gv_overlay.outerHeight(); startOverlay.left = 0; endOverlay[this.opts.overlay_position] = 0; endButton[this.opts.overlay_position] = dom.gv_overlay.outerHeight(); dom.gv_overlay.css(startOverlay); dom.gv_overlay.animate(endOverlay, { duration: speed, easing: 'swing' }); dom.gv_showOverlay.animate(endButton, { duration: speed, easing: 'swing' }); this.overlayVisible = true; }, updateFilmstrip: function (to) { if (!this.opts.show_filmstrip) { this.frameIterator = to; return; } var self = this, dom = this.dom, targetThumbs = dom.gv_thumbnails.eq(this.iterator), filmstripIterator, distance; if (this.scrolling) { targetThumbs = targetThumbs. add(dom.gv_thumbnails.eq(this.iterator + this.numImages)). add(dom.gv_thumbnails.eq(this.iterator + (2 * this.numImages))); } dom.gv_thumbnails.removeClass('current').animate({ opacity: this.opts.frame_opacity }); targetThumbs.stop().addClass('current').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500); if (this.scrolling) { if (this.filmstripOrientation === 'horizontal') { distance = (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap) * (this.frameIterator - to); if (distance > 0) { distance = '+=' + Math.abs(distance); } else { distance = '-=' + Math.abs(distance); } dom.gv_filmstrip.animate({ left: distance }, { duration: this.opts.transition_speed, easing: this.opts.easing, complete: function () { if (to < self.numImages) { dom.gv_filmstrip.css('left', gv.getInt(dom.gv_filmstrip.css('left')) - (self.numImages * (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + self.opts.frame_gap))); } else if (to >= (self.numImages * 2)) { dom.gv_filmstrip.css('left', gv.getInt(dom.gv_filmstrip.css('left')) + (self.numImages * (gv.outerWidth(dom.gv_frame) + self.opts.frame_gap))); } self.frameIterator = (to % self.numImages) + self.numImages; } }); } else { distance = (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + this.opts.frame_gap) * (this.frameIterator - to); if (distance > 0) { distance = '+=' + Math.abs(distance); } else { distance = '-=' + Math.abs(distance); } dom.gv_filmstrip.animate({ top: distance }, { duration: this.opts.transition_speed, easing: this.opts.easing, complete: function () { // adjust filmstrip position to ensure that there is always at least one frame behind // and (2 * filmstripSize) ahead if (to === 0) { dom.gv_filmstrip.css('top', gv.getInt(dom.gv_filmstrip.css('top')) - (self.numImages * (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + self.opts.frame_gap))); self.frameIterator = self.numImages; } else if (to > ((self.numImages * 3) - (self.filmstripSize * 2))) { dom.gv_filmstrip.css('top', gv.getInt(dom.gv_filmstrip.css('top')) + (self.numImages * (gv.outerHeight(dom.gv_frame) + self.opts.frame_gap))); self.frameIterator = to - self.numImages; } else { self.frameIterator = to; } } }); } } else { this.frameIterator = to; } }, startSlideshow: function (changeIcon) { var self = this, dom = this.dom; if (!self.opts.enable_slideshow) { return; } if (changeIcon) { dom.gv_navPlay.removeClass('gv_navPlay').addClass('gv_navPause'); } this.playing = true; dom.gv_galleryWrap.everyTime(this.opts.transition_interval, 'slideshow_' + this.id, function () { self.showNext(); }); }, stopSlideshow: function (changeIcon) { var self = this, dom = this.dom; if (changeIcon) { dom.gv_navPlay.removeClass('gv_navPause').addClass('gv_navPlay'); } this.playing = false; dom.gv_galleryWrap.stopTime('slideshow_' + this.id); }, enablePanning: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; if (!self.opts.enable_slideshow) { return; } dom.gv_panel.css('cursor', 'url(http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/mapfiles/openhand.cur), n-resize'); if (this.opts.pan_style === 'drag') { dom.gv_panelWrap.delegate('.gv_panel img', 'mousedown.galleryview', function (e) { self.isMouseDown = true; $(this).css('cursor', 'url(http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/mapfiles/closedhand.cur), n-resize'); }).delegate('.gv_panel img', 'mouseup.galleryview', function (e) { self.isMouseDown = false; $(this).css('cursor', 'url(http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/mapfiles/openhand.cur), n-resize'); }).delegate('.gv_panel img', 'mousemove.galleryview', function (e) { var distY, distX, image = $(this), new_top, new_left; if (self.isMouseDown) { distY = e.pageY - self.mouse.y; distX = e.pageX - self.mouse.x; new_top = gv.getInt(image.css('top')) + distY; new_left = gv.getInt(image.css('left')) + distX; image.css('cursor', 'url(http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/mapfiles/closedhand.cur), n-resize'); if (new_top > 0) new_top = 0; if (new_left > 0) new_left = 0; if (new_top < (-1 * (gv.outerHeight(image) - gv.innerHeight(dom.gv_panel)))) { new_top = -1 * (gv.outerHeight(image) - gv.innerHeight(dom.gv_panel)); } if (new_left < (-1 * (gv.outerWidth(image) - gv.innerWidth(dom.gv_panel)))) { new_left = -1 * (gv.outerWidth(image) - gv.innerWidth(dom.gv_panel)); } image.css('top', new_top); image.css('left', new_left); } else { image.css('cursor', 'url(http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/mapfiles/openhand.cur), n-resize'); } }); } else { } }, bindActions: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; dom.gv_showOverlay.bind('click.galleryview', function () { if (self.overlayVisible) { self.hideOverlay(250); } else { self.showOverlay(250); } }); dom.gv_navWrap.delegate('div', 'click.galleryview', function () { var el = $(this); if (el.hasClass('gv_navNext')) { self.showNext(); } else if (el.hasClass('gv_navPrev')) { self.showPrev(); } else if (el.hasClass('gv_navPlay')) { self.startSlideshow(true); } else if (el.hasClass('gv_navPause')) { self.stopSlideshow(true); } return false; }); dom.gv_panelNavNext.bind('click.galleryview', function () { self.showNext(); return false; }); dom.gv_panelNavPrev.bind('click.galleryview', function () { self.showPrev(); return false; }); dom.gv_filmstripWrap.delegate('.gv_frame', 'click.galleryview', function () { var el = $(this), i = self.getTrueImageIndex(el.data('frameIndex')); if (self.opts.filmstrip_use_alt_click && self.gvImages[i].href != "") { self.doClick(self.gvImages[i].href)(); } else { this.navAction = 'frame'; self.showItem(i); } return false; }); dom.gv_panelWrap.bind('mouseover.galleryview', function () { self.showPanelNav(); }).bind('mouseout.galleryview', function () { self.hidePanelNav(); }); }, unbindActions: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; dom.gv_showOverlay.unbind('click.galleryview'); dom.gv_panelNavNext.unbind('click.galleryview'); dom.gv_panelNavPrev.unbind('click.galleryview'); dom.gv_navWrap.undelegate('div', 'click.galleryview'); dom.gv_filmstripWrap.undelegate('.gv_frame', 'click.galleryview'); }, showPanelNav: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; dom.gv_panelNavNext.show(); dom.gv_panelNavPrev.show(); }, hidePanelNav: function () { var self = this, dom = this.dom; dom.gv_panelNavNext.hide(); dom.gv_panelNavPrev.hide(); }, // There's no need to repeat code, so let's just // abstract the click stuff a little doClick: function (link) { var self = this, dom = this.dom; if (link != '') { var action; if (this.opts.link_newwindow) { action = function () { window.open(link, "_blank"); }; } else { action = function () { window.location = link; }; } return action; } // Just in case we have an empty href return null; }, // Added to provide clickable link support for panels updateClickable: function (i) { var self = this, dom = this.dom; // If we don't undelegate here, we'll stack // up click actions and cycling through the // gallery can end up opening LOTS of links dom.gv_panelWrap.undelegate('.gv_panel', 'click.galleryview'); dom.gv_panelWrap.delegate('.gv_panel', 'click.galleryview', this.doClick(self.gvImages[i].href)); return false; }, init: function (options, el) { var self = this, dom = this.dom = {}; this.opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.galleryView.defaults, options); this.el = el; this.$el = $(el); this.id = el.id; this.iterator = this.frameIterator = this.opts.start_frame - 1; this.overlayVisible = false; this.playing = false; this.scrolling = false; this.isMouseDown = false; this.mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.filmstripOrientation = (this.opts.filmstrip_position === 'top' || this.opts.filmstrip_position === 'bottom') ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'; $(document).bind('mousemove.galleryview', function (e) { self.mouse = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }; }); // create all necessary DOM elements $.each(this.elems, function (i, elem) { var elem = elem.split('.'); // if there is no tag name, assume
if (elem[0] === '') { elem[0] = 'div'; } // add jQuery element to dom object dom[elem[1]] = self.createElem({ 'class': elem[1] }, elem[0]); }); dom.gv_imageStore.appendTo($('body')); dom.gv_galleryWrap.delegate('img', 'mousedown.galleryview', function (e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } }); dom.gv_panel.addClass('gv_panel-loading'); dom.gv_frame.addClass('gv_frame-loading'); // nest DOM elements dom.gv_galleryWrap.hide().append(dom.gv_gallery); if (this.opts.show_panels) { dom.gv_gallery.append(dom.gv_panelWrap); if (this.opts.show_panel_nav) { dom.gv_panelWrap.append(dom.gv_panelNavNext, dom.gv_panelNavPrev); } if (this.opts.show_infobar) { dom.gv_panelWrap.append(dom.gv_infobar); } } if (this.opts.show_filmstrip) { dom.gv_gallery.append( dom.gv_filmstripWrap.append( dom.gv_filmstrip ) ); if (this.opts.show_filmstrip_nav) { dom.gv_gallery.append( dom.gv_navWrap.append( dom.gv_navPrev, (this.opts.enable_slideshow ? dom.gv_navPlay : $('')), dom.gv_navNext ) ); } } if (this.opts.enable_overlays) { dom.gv_panelWrap.append(dom.gv_overlay, dom.gv_showOverlay); } if (this.opts.show_captions) { dom.gv_frame.append(dom.gv_caption).appendTo(dom.gv_gallery); } //swap out source element with gallery this.$el.replaceWith(dom.gv_galleryWrap); if (this.opts.pan_images) { this.enablePanning(); } // convert source images into gvImage objects this.storeImages(); // block out dimensions/positions of gallery elements this.buildGallery(); // begin loading images into gallery this.initImages(); // set up transitions, buttons this.bindActions(); // remove temporary frame element dom.gv_frame.remove(); // show gallery dom.gv_galleryWrap.show(); if (this.opts.autoplay) { this.startSlideshow(true); } // if panels should be clickable - set it up if (this.opts.clickable == 'panel' || this.opts.clickable == 'all') { this.updateClickable(this.iterator); } this.updateOverlay(this.iterator); this.updateFilmstrip(this.frameIterator); } }; // END GalleryView /* MAIN PLUGIN CODE */ $.fn.galleryView = function (options) { if (this.length) { return this.each(function () { var gallery = Object.create(GalleryView); gallery.init(options, this); }); } }; /* Default Options Object literal storing default plugin options */ $.fn.galleryView.defaults = { // General Options transition_speed: 1000, //INT - duration of panel/frame transition (in milliseconds) transition_interval: 3000, //INT - delay between panel/frame transitions (in milliseconds) easing: 'swing', //STRING - easing method to use for animations (jQuery provides 'swing' or 'linear', more available with jQuery UI or Easing plugin) // Panel Options show_panels: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide panel portion of gallery show_panel_nav: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide panel navigation buttons enable_overlays: false, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide panel overlays panel_width: 690, //INT - width of gallery panel (in pixels) panel_height: 345, //INT - height of gallery panel (in pixels) panel_animation: 'fade', //STRING - animation method for panel transitions (crossfade,fade,slide,none) panel_scale: 'crop', //STRING - cropping option for panel images (crop = scale image and fit to aspect ratio determined by panel_width and panel_height, fit = scale image and preserve original aspect ratio) overlay_position: 'bottom', //STRING - position of panel overlay (bottom, top) pan_images: false, //BOOLEAN - flag to allow user to grab/drag oversized images within gallery pan_style: 'drag', //STRING - panning method (drag = user clicks and drags image to pan, track = image automatically pans based on mouse position pan_smoothness: 15, //INT - determines smoothness of tracking pan animation (higher number = smoother) link_newwindow: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to open clickable images in a new window clickable: 'none', //BOOLEAN - flag to determine if the clickable items (panel, overlay, all, none) // Filmstrip Options start_frame: 1, //INT - index of panel/frame to show first when gallery loads show_filmstrip: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide filmstrip portion of gallery show_filmstrip_nav: true, //BOOLEAN - flag indicating whether to display navigation buttons enable_slideshow: true, //BOOLEAN - flag indicating whether to display slideshow play/pause button autoplay: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to start slideshow on gallery load play_random_order: false, //BOOLEAN - while playing the images are "playing" use a random order show_captions: false, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide frame captions filmstrip_size: 3, //INT - number of frames to show in filmstrip-only gallery filmstrip_style: 'scroll', //STRING - type of filmstrip to use (scroll = display one line of frames, scroll filmstrip if necessary, showall = display multiple rows of frames if necessary) filmstrip_position: 'bottom', //STRING - position of filmstrip within gallery (bottom, top, left, right) frame_width: 80, //INT - width of filmstrip frames (in pixels) frame_height: 40, //INT - width of filmstrip frames (in pixels) frame_opacity: 0.4, //FLOAT - transparency of non-active frames (1.0 = opaque, 0.0 = transparent) frame_scale: 'crop', //STRING - cropping option for filmstrip images (same as above) frame_gap: 5, //INT - spacing between frames within filmstrip (in pixels) filmstrip_use_alt_click: false, //BOOLEAN - allows the filmstrip to use the alternate clickable option as instead of navigating as normal // Info Bar Options show_infobar: true, //BOOLEAN - flag to show or hide infobar infobar_opacity: 1 //FLOAT - transparency for info bar }; })(jQuery);